Shanet Nemati

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About me
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I live in Uk and I enrolled for FullStack Web development On March 2023.Since then
I am studding full time and I am planning to find a job as a web development.I am a
reflector, theorist, and pragmatist. As a reflector, I always prefer to do the job by looking
at the instructor first. I would like to analyse data. My reflector strengths are careful,
Thorough, and methodical, Thoughtful, and good at listening to others, assimilating
information, and rarely jumping to conclusions. As a theorist, I tend to be a perfectionist
who won’t rest easy until things are tidy and fit into a rational scheme. I like to analyse
and synthesize. As a pragmatist, I would like to try things out, apply things to their role,
and solve problems practically.I am a plant and tend to be creative, imaginative, free-thinking,
generate ideas and solve difficult problems.